Get to know the Kismet Categories

If you are wanting to search or add support for a particular service, here's how they are categorised

Categories in Kismet are created by grouping together related services into intuitive collections.


Description / Examples

Advocacy and peer support

Advocacy and peer support can provide information, help an individual explore their options and work through issues, and make informed decisions.

Behavioural Support

Behavioural support is broad and can even cover more complex behaviour support. Some examples of enquiries in this category are:

  • Implement Restrictive Practices

  • Positive Behaviour Support

  • Behaviour Management Plans


Services and support delivered by a Chiropractor.


Cleaning can be used for all sorts of cleaning, such as:

  • Daily, in-home cleaning such as kitchens, bathrooms etc

  • Exterior Cleaning

  • Specialisations such as Hoarding


Everyday items you may need because of your disability support needs.

  • continence products

  • low-cost assistive technology

  • equipment to improve your independence and/or mobility


Services and support delivered by a Counsellor

Creative Arts

Creative Arts is a broad category that may include:

  • Art Classes

  • Dancing

  • Singing

Crisis Services

Services that support people with complex needs who are experiencing a crisis that is related to a breakdown of their usual disability-related supports.

Day Programs

Day Programs designed around social and engaging activities.


Services and support delivered by a Dietician.


Courses and training to support people to learn how to drive.

Education Support

Education Support is another broad category that can include:

  • Assistance with school transition

  • Financial Education

  • Personal care during work or study

  • Transport to and from classes

  • Building basic work skills

  • Improving study techniques

Employment Services

Employment services for people looking for work, this may include:

  • School Leaver Employment Services (SLES)

  • Disability Employment Services (DES)


Equipment that can help someone do a task they normally couldn't do because of their disability, or make a task easier or simpler.

Exercise Physiology

Services and support delivered by an Exercise Physiologist.

Expressive Therapy

Creative therapies such as:

  • Art Therapy

  • Music Therapy


All different types of gardening services such as:

  • Lawn mowing, edging and maintenance

  • Weed removal

  • Tree trimming

Hearing Services

Hearing Services such as:

  • Hearing devices, as well as other assistive technology

  • Maintenance and repairs

  • Assessments (other than diagnostic assessments)

Holidays and Travel

Holidays and Travel can include:

  • Packaged holiday deals for people with disability

  • Support Workers

Home Modifications

Home Modifications include custom-built changes to a home to help access and use areas of the house.

Home Maintenance

Home Maintenance include help to maintain your home


Interpreting Services allow the transfer of communications from a person’s preferred language into English.


Massage provided by:

  • Massage therapists

  • Physiotherapists


Meals is a broad category that may include:

  • Assistance with meals from Support Worker

  • Prepared meals delivered by a meal delivery company

  • Meal plans created by a nutritionist

Nursing Services

Services and support delivered by a Nurse.

Occupational Therapy

Services and support delivered by an Occupational Therapist.


Services and support delivered by an Osteopath.


Services and support delivered by a Physiotherapist.

Plan Management

Services and support delivered by a registered Plan Manager.

Podiatry, Orthopaedics and Prosthetics

Services and support delivered by Podiatrist, Orthotist or Prosthetist .


Services and support delivered by a Psychologist.

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Services and support delivered by a Psychosocial Recovery Coach.

Respite Accommodation

Accommodation support for a short time away from your usual home.

School Holiday Activities

Centre and community-based programs for children and teens during the school holidays.

Service Animals and Pets

Service and Assistance animals, including but not limited to guide dogs.


Sexuality is a broad category that may supports such as:

  • Sex Therapists

  • LGBTQIA+ Social Activities

Shared Accommodation

Shared Accommodation where an approved house is shared by multiple people, more commonly referred to as Specialist Disability Accommodation.


Employment services such as School Leaver Employment Services and Disability Employment Services.

Social Activities

Social Activities to find new social activities or support to attend existing ones.

Social Work

Services and support delivered by a Social Worker.

Software and Apps

Software and apps will usually include low-cost, low-risk technology to assist daily living.

Specialist Support Coordination

Services and support delivered by a Specialist Support Coordinator (Level 3 Support Coordination).

Speech Therapy

Services and support delivered by a Speech Therapist.

Sport and Fitness

Sport and Fitness is a broad category that may include:

  • Programs created by a personal trainer

  • Social sporting group activities

  • Group Fitness programs

Support Coordination

Services and support delivered by a Support Coordinator (L2 Support Coordination).

Supported Accommodation

Supported Accommodation will usually include:

  • Supported Independent Living (SIL)

  • Shared Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Support Work

Services and support delivered by a Support Worker such as:

  • Personal Care

  • Community Access

  • Daily living tasks

Therapy Assistants

Services and support delivered by a Therapy Assistant.


Training is a broad category that can include mentoring or education in a specific field.


Transport can include:

  • Community Access with a Support Worker

  • Transport with an accessible vehicle

Vision Services

Vision Services such as:

  • Vision devices, as well as other assistive technology

  • Maintenance and repairs

  • Assessments (other than diagnostic assessments)

