How to understand Dashboard Metrics

Deep dive of the Tasks, Invoices, and Customers metrics in the Dashboard

Task Metrics 

Organisation-wide task metrics for the current month.


Number of ‘Pending’ tasks

In Progress

Number of ‘In progress’ tasks

On Hold

Number of ‘On hold’ tasks


Number of ‘Unassigned’ tasks


Invoice Metrics

Organisation-wide invoice metrics for the current month.

Review Required

Number invoices requiring a review from a user in Navigator

Approval not sent

Number of invoices without an approval sent.

Pending approval

Number of invoices Pending approval from a customer or contact.

Rejected by customer

Number of invoices rejected from a customer or contact via the Kismet app.

Ready for funding claim

Number of invoices with invoices with an ‘Approved’ status

Funding claim submitted

Number of invoices marked with “NDIS claim submitted” - triggered when the invoice is included in the “NDIS PRODA Upload” downloaded by a user.

Funding claim rejected

Number of invoices that have a line item that have errors when ‘Result File’ has been uploaded to Navigator.

Funding claim approved

Number of invoices that have a line item that have been approved by PRODA when ‘Result File’ has been uploaded to Navigator.


Number of invoices paused/on-hold via Navigator.

Customer Metrics

Organisation-wide customer metrics for the current month.

Review Required

Number invoices requiring a review from a user in Navigator

Approval not sent

Number of invoices without an approval sent.

Pending approval

Number of invoices Pending approval from a customer or contact.

Rejected by customer

Number of invoices rejected from a customer or contact via the Kismet app.

Ready for funding claim

Number of invoices with invoices with an ‘Approved’ status

Funding claim submitted

Number of invoices marked with “NDIS claim submitted” - triggered when the invoice is included in the “NDIS PRODA Upload” downloaded by a user.

Funding claim rejected

Number of invoices that have a line item that have errors when ‘Result File’ has been uploaded to Navigator.

Funding claim approved

Number of invoices that have a line item that have been approved by PRODA when ‘Result File’ has been uploaded to Navigator.


Number of invoices paused/on-hold via Navigator.