Navigator Training Videos

Access all available Navigator Training Videos here

Training video summary

  Title Duration
1 Navigator Login <1 min
2 Dashboard <3 mins
3 Inbox <5 mins
4 Tasks <4 mins
5 Customers < 8 mins
6 Contacts < 2 mins
7 Suppliers < 4 mins
8 Invoices < 4 mins
9 Kismet for participants  < 6 mins
10 Kismet for support coordinators or carers < 5 mins



1. Navigator Login

This video covers:

  • How to login to Navigator


2. Navigator Dashboard 

 This video covers:

  • Each section of the dashboard
  • How to search the dashboard
  • View assigned tasks
  • Understand the metrics


3. Inbox

This video covers:

  • How to search filter & search
  • Reading quick view of an email
  • Navigating through the Inbox
  • Sending new & replying to emails
  • Email history
  • Applying staff, tags, customers, suppliers, tasks, & files to emails


4. Tasks

  • Use tasks
  • Search for a task
  • Create and update a new task
  • View a task


5. Customers

This video covers how to:

  • Create & update a client
  • Filter the client listings
  • View client details
  • View emails, tasks and invoices connected to the client
  • View history of a client
  • Send an onboarding email
  • Add and update funding 
  • Generate and send statements
  • Add allocations
  • Link contacts


6. Contacts

This video covers how to:

  • Search contacts
  • Create a contact
  • Remove a contact
  • Understand the contact profile screen


7. Suppliers

This video covers how to:

  • Search suppliers
  • Create a new supplier
  • View all emails, tasks, or invoices related to the supplier


8. Invoices

 This video covers how to: 

  • Work with Invoice status
  • Create a new invoice manually
  • Search invoices
  • Add line items to invoices
  • Link a supplier
  • Link a customer
  • Attach a file


9. Kismet for Participants

This video covers how to:

  • Guide participants through their app



10. Kismet for Nominees

This video covers how to:

  • Guide support coordinators, carers or nominees through their app